A few days ago I made Calder come with me to feed the ducks and geese. One thing that really shocked me when we moved here was the ridiculous number of geese EVERYWHERE! At the pond we went to I counted about 30 geese and 20 ducks. We had some moldy bagels, and it sounded fun.
Did you know that gesse hiss? Yeah, like a snake. They'd stand right in front of me and hiss until I gave them food.
I tried to get a picture of one hissing, this is as good as I could do.
I got brave and started letting them eat out of my hand. Notice the ugly babies - they used to be so cute!
We went to the farmer's market this morning (after I drug Calder around to garage sales!) and got a little excited about zucchini! It was $3 for a basket or $5 for two - of course we think - we might as well get two! We got home and realized we had 10 huge zucchinis! We broiled one for lunch and I have some zucchini bread baking right now - and no idea what to do with the other 8!
Poor guy - didn't get to sleep in this morning. Most garage sales here don't start until 9, but since I didn't know, I made us leave at 8 at the LATEST and figured we'd miss all the good stuff. We didn't run into any really good goes, but found this one that was stelling their house and most everything in it. They had tons of really neat antique things, typewriters, an old radio, a dictophone, old singer sewing maching, organ, and something they called a vacuum cleaner but was pre-electricity. Oh, and they had a really old baby stroller that I thought was really neat. Calder was really into the typewriters, so we bought one.