Finally something blogworthy! Sorry I've been so lame with updating but really, NOTHING has happened. I just can't bring myself to blog when all we do is go to school, work, come home and eat frozen pizza while watching Chuck, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, 24,or Dollhouse (or whatever else our TiVo has ready for us!)
This week Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was at the law school to visit with students, speak with some classes and give a presentation. I've been listening to his memoir in the car when I drive to work and really think he's a great guy. Calder got to meet and chat with him on Tuesday and I went over for his presentation on Wednesday. It was a question and answer format where the Dean of the Law School had gathered peoples questions on index cards and picked the best. Justice Thomas answered a few then started taking questions from the audience, which we thought was very commendable, especially at such a liberal school.
He was very interesting and VERY entertaining. I really enjoyed it! He made a lot of comments that I liked a lot. One of my favorites though, at the beginning he was asked what his hardest case was. He said that there wasn't one hardest but a category of hardest and those were the ones where his heart said one thing and the law said anther. The others where he wants to help the person but just doesn't have the authority.
I'd definitely recommend his book, My Grandfather's Son. I'm impressed at how he has become what he has having been born and raised in Savannah, Georgia during segregation. He is also against Affirmative Action because he believes that it is keeping blacks and minorities from really progressing, which I agree with.