Belly! Here's a 24 week 1 day picture. Gigantic!
This morning I was painting my toenails and was just shocked at what an ordeal it was. Really, remember when I could just put my foot on the floor and lean forward? It's uncomforatable now.
I still feel great, just tired. And hungry all the time! I've mostly given up on all clothes not maternity, which has been a little sad for me. I can still get into most of my normal pants (unbuttoned of course) but I'm scard that I'm going to bust the seams in the booty!
School started this week and I felt a little like a freak show walking through campus. I'm only taking 13 credits and one is an online General Biology class that I'm hoping to finish up a little early. My last final is a week and a day before my due date which makes me really nervous - I hope they would help me out somehow if baby girl decides to come early.
I love sitting in class and feeling little kicks in my belly. The baby doesn't move much yet, it's still really subtle and I usually only notice when I'm laying really still at just the right time. Calder still hasn't felt it but I make him put his hand on my stomach every time she gets going.
I went to a party last week and one girl there said she was SIX MONTHS pregnant. Turns out she's due the day after me! Can you believe I'm in my SIXTH month already?!
My ward is going to be full of new baby girls. One is due late this month (or next, I'm not sure), one December 22, and me on December 30. So fun!
Seriously, where is the spellcheck on blogger now?