Thursday, September 10, 2009

Belly! Here's a 24 week 1 day picture. Gigantic!
This morning I was painting my toenails and was just shocked at what an ordeal it was. Really, remember when I could just put my foot on the floor and lean forward? It's uncomforatable now.
I still feel great, just tired. And hungry all the time! I've mostly given up on all clothes not maternity, which has been a little sad for me. I can still get into most of my normal pants (unbuttoned of course) but I'm scard that I'm going to bust the seams in the booty!
School started this week and I felt a little like a freak show walking through campus. I'm only taking 13 credits and one is an online General Biology class that I'm hoping to finish up a little early. My last final is a week and a day before my due date which makes me really nervous - I hope they would help me out somehow if baby girl decides to come early.
I love sitting in class and feeling little kicks in my belly. The baby doesn't move much yet, it's still really subtle and I usually only notice when I'm laying really still at just the right time. Calder still hasn't felt it but I make him put his hand on my stomach every time she gets going.
I went to a party last week and one girl there said she was SIX MONTHS pregnant. Turns out she's due the day after me! Can you believe I'm in my SIXTH month already?!
My ward is going to be full of new baby girls. One is due late this month (or next, I'm not sure), one December 22, and me on December 30. So fun!
Seriously, where is the spellcheck on blogger now?
While Calder's mom was here she helped us get seriously organized. It was great to have another person's perspective in our tiny apartment.

(Ignore Calder's huge box of gross NutriSystem food)
She moved our loveseat into the baby's room which I NEVER would have thought to do, but I love. We also got a stroller/carseat combo and playard.
It feel so good to have these thigns out of the way. School ends about a week before baby's due (I know - I'm really cutting it close!) so we're not going to have much time later to be doing much. We still need plenty but it's nice to have the big stuff taken care of.
Thanks for EVERYTHING!

State Fair

I LOVE the State Fair! This year Calder's mom was in town and went with us. My favorite part is the Miracle of Life Birth Center which was pretty lame when we went. We were there the first weekend and only a few babies (some lambs and pigs) were born. Lots of preganant animals but not many babies!
The food was great (as always) and the weather was perfect. Good times!
I'll just post pictures... no explanations needed really.

I couldn't help but post these cute little piggies with their wrinkly snouts!

Twins Game

Each year my compnay gets tickets to the Twins game - each employee gets to go to a game and they use the rest for clients. I LOVE going to games - even if I don't like the sport there's something about the food and atmosphere that I really enjoy.

I walked all the way around the stadium to find the perfect nachos, but couldn't really enjoy them because of the two cute kids glaring at the the entire time I ate them. I felt like such a jerk-face eating delicious food when they didn't have any! I had bought cracker jacks too, but didn't eat them unil the kids left.

Cracker Jacks aren't nearly as delicious as I remembered. They were pretty gross actually.
Calder had a super long hot dog.
The seats were great and it was a good game. It came down to the last inning and we won!