My baby is one month old today! I can't believe it's gone by so fast (and at the same time it feels like she's been with us forever)
A bit about her:
Our new favorite thing about her - huge open mouthed gummy smiles! I almost die every time.
Also - she slept in her own bed last night. She decided early on that she wasn't into it and has been sleeping in her carseat in our room. The nature sounds on her bed only last for 2 hours, and she woke up exactly every two hours so we're working on finding a new source of noise.
We love (and I think she loves) to read books to her. If it's a good one she'll really look and focus on my face and smile when she finds it funny.
She hates to feel along and loves to be snuggled, even when she's asleep.
She does not like garlic flavored milk. Fair enough.
Here's some pictures of the smiley face. They're not the best - it's hard to catch!