Sunday, June 27, 2010
New Blog
(because that is way cooler than!)
Check it out!
(I'm still working on formatting and stuff... be patient!)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I finally got it together and uploaded some videos.
Before you get to see what you really came here for you get a quick little recap of how we’re doing here in Vegas.
- We go swimming All.The.Time. Almost everyday. So many people have been so nice to let us come over and play in their pool. And we have a fun little pool/waterpark two minutes from the house.
- Piper is loving all the attention she gets here. So many hugs and kisses!
- Yesterday we went to visit my old roommate Crystal and her cute boy Matthew. It was so fun to catch up and I’m so glad to have them close.
- I’ve gotten to know a few young families in the ward. It’s hard since I’m only in this ward for the summer but it’s nice to have people to get together with. There are a few other families with babies.
- I’m finally starting to know my way around. Lucky for me Vegas is a grid so I only need to know a few main streets.
- Really, we’re good. Just hanging out and playing.
Here’s babe’s first taste of real food. Rice cereal, and she loved it as long as she was in control of the spoon. In fact, she’s still not a huge fan of being spoon fed. She’d much rather do it herself. I got some little crackers that I can just put on her highchair and she likes eating that way much better. I still only feed her about once a day because she only eats a few bites no matter what it is. *(And I have to say – you don’t have to watch the whole thing, nothing exciting happens. Calder isn’t very good at knowing when to stop.)
See the date on this? May 21. Only a few days after we moved, so go ahead and ignore the disaster in the background and enjoy the cuteness.
Baby giggles – no explanation needed!
Stay tuned – there’s one more from yesterday but it didn’t format correctly so it’s taking a really long time to upload. I’ll be up soon though!
Monday, June 7, 2010
5 Months!
Miss Piper has gotten so big and her little personality is starting to really shine through.
- She is so DETERMINED. She’ll see something across the room and want it so bad. She’ll try so hard.., but can’t get anywhere yet. This little lady is ready to move!
- She loves to EXPLORE. When I give her a bath she’s always trying to dive over the sides of the baby tub to get to the shampoo/soap/whatever she can see. She wants to grab and figure it out.
- She is HAPPY. (well, sometimes, and way happier than she’s ever been before). She gets so excited and squeals with delight. She has a cute little giggle and is so fun to play with.
- She is FOCUSED. She’ll sit with the same thing for a long time trying to figure it out. Her favorites are water bottles and spoons.
- She is LOVED. She is getting used to having so many family members around to give her attention. It’s going to be rough on this little one when we move to our own place and she' doesn’t have so many people to play with all the time.
- She SLEEPS! For the first time ever Piper is sleeping good at night and taking long naps. She can even put herself to sleep in less than 10 minutes. We love this!
- She is HUNGRY. We started giving her some baby food but she’s not really into it. Every time we sit down to dinner or go to a restaurant she gets so mad as soon as the food comes out. She just wants big people food!
- She GIGGLES. It’s adorable.
- She had ALLERGIES. Last week we broke out in hives. It was so sad – I’m not sure what caused it but think it might be citrus. She’s all better now.
- She is STRONG. She can sit up all by herself now. She can really put up a fight to get something she wants (phones, food, hair). She weights 18 pounds!
We love our tiny Pip-face!