Friday, May 23, 2008

Delicious Dinner

I made lasagna tonight and it turned out really good! I guess I've had better, but I was happy with it. I've only attempted lasagna once before and it was a disaster.

Here's a link to the recipe, if anyone is interested...

Low Fat Lasagna

I used whole wheat pasta and only put mushrooms on Calder's half (yuk)

Next time, I'll mix in a lot of Italian seasoning, it needed a little something extra and that seemed to do it.

I was nervous about it since you make it with uncooked pasta and let it cook in the over. That seemed sketchy to me, but it worked great. It looked really watery before cooking, but all the liquid soaked up in it. Delicious.

A Few Of My Favorite Things

I wanted to do this a long time ago - but my house was never clean enough at the same time for me to take all the pictures. Finally, I got it done.

The idea is to choose your favorite item from each room in your house.

The living room is my party-lite infinite reflections tea light holder. I was going to do this post when I first saw it on Sharon's blog, but at the time I had just ordered this and was holding out, since I was hoping it would be my favorite. I love it! It might be a little fancy for our otherwise very casual living room, but I still love it, and someday it will have a room more suited for it's prettyness.

Also in the living room, I love my wedding pictures and boxes...

Moving on to the hallway (this is a stretch, because it is absolutely still the living room, for for the sake of this post, it's a hallway) The flash wouldn't cooperate, but you get the idea.

Next is the kitchen, which was the easiest of all. Absolutely my fiesta dishes. I know it's weird, but I've loved and wanted these WAY before buying dishes was something I needed to think about. I love how bright and colorful they are - it makes everything feel relaxed and casual.

Next is our second bedroom/office. I had to get creative here, since it's mostly a storage room. We bought this bookcase just a few weeks ago. Before that, everything you see on the bookcase was still in boxes stacked on the floor, or just around. It's nice to have a place to put it, and finally be completely unpacked!

Bathroom - again, a little creative. I LOVE these bathtub crayons. Let's ignore the fact that they are made for three year olds and appreciate all the fun things to do with them. Every so often I color and write all over the bathtub, just to keep Calder on his toes.

Here's an example of some of my artwork (waiting on Calder to come home from his trip to Honduras in March)

Now, the second part of the hallway. We have two of these carvings that Calder brought home from his mission in Honduras. I love them!

Lastly, the bedroom. Another tie! The first thing I love is these two matching lamps I got from my mother-in-law for one of my wedding showers. I only took a picture of one, but it has a twin on the other end of the dresser.

And then, my bed. We have the cutest bed I've ever seen. I feel like I have to admit, this is a picture taken a long time ago, when we were moving in. I don't make the bed very often (but I do sometimes). It wasn't made when I was taking pictures, and instead of just doing it, I found an older one. Oh well.

That's it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Dinner Dance

Here's the post I know you've all been waiting for! Just kidding! We got all dressed up and looked awesome, if I'm allowed to say that about us. The evening itself was uneventful. It was really fun to meet Calder's future bosses, who all seemed very nice. To me, it sounds like it's a pretty laid back place to work. It sounds like most people come into work around 9 so it looks like Calder will be walking to the bus stop since I have to be in at 8. I thought about changing my schedule to start work a little later, but Calder told me that was crazy. Oh well, at least we live close to the bus.

As for pictures, Calder absolutely forbid me to bring the camera in, but fortunately he let me take a few before we left.

My cute shoes

Here was the picture of my dress, for some reason I'm leaning weird, but the dress is cute.

We didn't actually dance since the music was a swing band and I have a hard enough time walking in heels. Oh well, maybe next time.

Take Off Five!

After months of putting it off - I finally got my hair chopped off! It looks pretty much the same, just five inches shorter. I went in planning to just get it trimmed, but decided to just go for it. For your viewing pleasure...

Before - it was a spur of the moment decision, so I found a recent picture

After (this was taken just now, after it being in a ponytail for a few hours, so it is a lot cuter)

I'm excited to have hair short enough to do things with, the long hair looked blah all the time, and never ever stayed down more than a few hours before I stuck it back in an elastic.

I'm sure there will be a better picture later.

Monday, May 12, 2008

This is what we have planned for this weekend! I'm super excited - although I must admit, a little nervous. I'll get to dress up, eat delicious food, and meet the people that Calder will be working with this summer. It sounds way more dignified and fancy than my Lewsiana upbringing trained me for. We went shopping a few weeks ago because I just knew finding an acceptable dress was going to be an impossible task. I was extremely lucky and found one right away! Now I have to find something to do with my hair and jewelry. I was waiting to post this until after the event so I could give you all some pretty pictures of us all dressed up, but I got impatient. Don't worry, the pretty pictures will still come.

I'm also excited because our 1 year anniversary is coming up fast! Three more weeks! I can't believe it's been that long. We're planning to go up to Duluth and spend the night in a cute little bed and breakfast. Costco has bed & breakfast $100 gift cards for $80 and I've been dying to get one since the first time I saw them. Duluth is a cute little city on Lake Superior that I've heard is really fun. I'm already planning fun things for us to do on our two days there. We'll head out the day after Calder finishes up with school and the journal thing, so it'll be a celebration of the end of the first law school year as well!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

To Do Today:

I'm going to try to get everything on my to-do list done today. I can do it as long as Calder doesn't come home from school early. I always have great intentions, but then when he comes home early, we end up just watching TV.

  • Return black shoes to Macy's
  • Buy more black shoes
  • Return pants to Costco
  • Return swimsuit to Costco, if they'll even still take it back and if I can find it
  • Exchange Land's End Shirt
  • Buy pots to replant garden
  • Get a haircut!
  • Make a grocery list
  • Buy Groceries
  • Go to Byerly's for wild rice
  • Buy some summer clothes - this can wait until this weekend.
  • Get car washed